Sunday, 12 June 2011

Lake District holiday

Last week I went to the lakes, and stayed near Coniston.
The cottage we stayed in had a path down to the lake and jetty.
When we got there we explored the place and I found a secret den out side.
On the second day we went to the bluebird cafe, on the third we hired a boat there and went out on the lake.
And it goes on...

Saturday, 14 May 2011


on the bank holiday weekend Me and my brother william went to bempton cliffs. here is a list of birds I saw: puffin,gannet and chick,razerbill.

if you are a bird lover this link will come in handy

Monday, 11 April 2011

Easter activities

These are some activities that sound good for Easter.

There will be some Easter things going on at the farmers cart.

These are some of them:
Easter egg panting competition,the great Easter egg hunt,bunnies BBQ
,Giant straw maze,chicken flappin,the chicken run Giant slide,crazy wellie walk in.

(Note:these will be held on Easter weekend)